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Total War: Three Kingdoms 활성화 지침

Total War: Three Kingdoms 리뷰 및 평가

Review by RedRody [user]
2022년 7월 4일

I don't think anything fairer than a note 10! There are many small details that could be better. Regardless, I have a lot of fun trying newI don't think anything fairer than a note 10! There are many small details that could be better. Regardless, I have a lot of fun trying new lords and different ways to play. I highly recommend! At first, you get lost with so much information, but soon you get used to it and want more! Of the total wars I've played, I believe it's the best in interface, difficulty and story.

Review by ChumaGG [user]
2021년 5월 28일

Este juego se encuentra abandonado e incompleto. Es un juego de lo 3 reinos que no cuenta la historia completa de los 3 reinos.La razon esEste juego se encuentra abandonado e incompleto. Es un juego de lo 3 reinos que no cuenta la historia completa de los 3 reinos.La razon es que a la desarrolladora se le hizo muy facil abandonarlo y comenzar a hacer una secuela, ¿para que?, para sacarle mas dinero a la gente.Ni siquiera han podido arreglar algunos bugs de salida.Por no decir que cancelaron las ultimas expansiones para hacer esto.

Review by zeroram [user]
2019년 6월 20일

Definitely an improvement in the Total War game lineup, there seems to be a development team here focused on creating an immersive strategyDefinitely an improvement in the Total War game lineup, there seems to be a development team here focused on creating an immersive strategy game and that is a good thing. The UI is intuitive and the tech tree makes sense. The simulation of China is well done, however AI seems to repeat battle formations and attack moves if you play for a period of time.

Review by Ananisapta [user]
2019년 6월 18일

Tao Te Ching says, "The Wise don't covet leadership, so wind up in charge." This is NOT a tenable philosophy for any of the Total War series.Tao Te Ching says, "The Wise don't covet leadership, so wind up in charge." This is NOT a tenable philosophy for any of the Total War series. The Three Kingdoms period, in particular, was an unimaginable bloodbath in which the population of east Asia was much reduced. Treachery and aggression were the norm, at least among those who came out on top. If you are comfortable being "the meanest SOB in the Valley" then this game's for you. It certainly has enough challenge and complexity to occupy you for as long as you can stand it.That said, there are flaws. It's especially hard to learn for somebody who isn't very familiar with the Total War franchise. Most instructional material assumes you already know a great deal about the game's mechanics, and the interface is a daunting maze that's not at all intuitive. There are also some bugs that await swatting. One I found was the lack of diplomatic options for the player who chooses the recommended settings for a beginner.To close as we began, the Tao Te Ching has this to say,"The best soldiers don't get violent;The best fighters don't get angry;The best winners don't take all;The best bosses don't throw their weight around."If you believe that, this game is NOT for you!

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
2019년 5월 31일

Massive enhancement of all systems is perfectly complemented by beautiful audio and visuals. You won’t regret this trip to China!

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게임 정보
출시일 2019년 5월 23일
제작사 Sega, The Creative Assembly, Sega Games
콘텐츠 평가 T (Teen)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어, 멀티플레이어, 협동조합
플레이어 관점 조감도 / 아이소메트릭
장르 전략, 턴제 전략(TBS), 실시간 전략(RTS)
테마 액션, 역사, 전쟁
플랫폼 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac