The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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RPG이자 위쳐 2(2011)의 속편인 위쳐 3는 리비아의 위쳐 게롤트가 전쟁으로 지친 북부 왕국의 정치와 얽히면서 옛 연인과 어린 신하를 찾아 떠나는 여정을 따라갑니다.

게롤트는 개인적인 문제부터 세상을 바꾸는 문제까지 복잡한 문제를 해결하고 논쟁적인 분쟁을 해결하기 위해 괴물과 싸우고 모든 종류의 사람들을 상대해야 합니다.


위쳐 3: 와일드 헌트는 전작에서 다뤘던 시리즈의 주인공인 리비아의 위쳐 게롤트의 이야기를 마무리합니다. 와일드 헌트로 알려진 신비한 이계의 군대가 북부 왕국을 침공하여 피로 물든 대지와 불타는 폐허만 남긴 암흑의 시대에 게롤트의 새로운 임무가 시작되고, 위쳐는 이들의 대재앙적인 난동을 막을 수 있는 열쇠를 쥐고 있는 듯합니다.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 활성화 지침

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 리뷰 및 평가

Review by Destrokes [user]
2022년 4월 30일

Hiç beğenmedim. Çok daha iyi bir oyun olabilirmiş, optimizasyon sorunları var, Ayrıca yan görevleri haricinde hiçbir şekilde tatmin etmedi.Hiç beğenmedim. Çok daha iyi bir oyun olabilirmiş, optimizasyon sorunları var, Ayrıca yan görevleri haricinde hiçbir şekilde tatmin etmedi. Toplam 60 saatte bitirdim. Keşke başka bir şeyle uğraşsaydım.

Review by Ripper36 [user]
2021년 9월 22일

Yes this is not as shape as a ps4 pro or a mighty PC but the Switch versions has everything else going for it. The other consels cant takeYes this is not as shape as a ps4 pro or a mighty PC but the Switch versions has everything else going for it. The other consels cant take their games to go can they? NO. Graphics are still good and it plays very smooth considering how huge the game is. Dozens and Dozens of content in a small game card. I am very Impressed on how they ported this game. Its is truly one of the best Games EVER made. Great job Nintendo!

Review by EmCza [user]
2021년 3월 1일

A great game diluted with a huge world that overwhelms with the fact that it is a only a huge background covering a great plot and nothingA great game diluted with a huge world that overwhelms with the fact that it is a only a huge background covering a great plot and nothing else. On the one hand, it is one of the best RPGs, on the other, it is unnecessarily puffed up to the limits of the absurdity of open worlds

Review by arostislavna [user]
2020년 10월 23일

Good, but not great. I have never been a fan of medieval fantasy games as a rule, and my experience basically consists of Dragon Age Origins,Good, but not great. I have never been a fan of medieval fantasy games as a rule, and my experience basically consists of Dragon Age Origins, which I liked.There is a lot of care into the story of this game (and it pays off immensely), but some technological aspects were overlooked and they reused things and because of that, I cannot give it a perfect score.I have to say it has pacing issues, and I did not enjoy the hunt to find Ciri in the beginning of the game, it is after Ciri is back that the game is fleshed out and gets interesting.

Review by DrZombie [user]
2020년 7월 11일

I’ve never been a big fan of rpg’s for some reason, they just never really appealed to me... this game changed all that.With an engrossingI’ve never been a big fan of rpg’s for some reason, they just never really appealed to me... this game changed all that.With an engrossing story, great characters, outstanding graphics and sound, engaging gameplay and a company behind the game that truly cares about the player/customer providing both free and paid extra content, the latter being an outstanding value for the price, this game is a must play for any gamer.

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게임 정보
출시일 2015년 5월 19일
제작사 WB Games, Bandai Namco Entertainment,, Spike ChunSoft, CD Projekt RED, D3T Limited, Saber Interactive
Total Rating 93%
콘텐츠 평가 M (Mature)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어
플레이어 관점 3인칭
장르 롤플레잉(RPG), 모험
테마 액션, 오픈 월드, 판타지
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S