The Fabled Woods

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Navzdory malebné kráse se mezi proměnlivými větvemi skrývají ošklivá a strašlivá tajemství, temnota, kterou nedokáže vymazat ani kapka slunečního světla. Udělejte první krok a prožijte nezapomenutelnou cestu.

The Fabled Woods 활성화 지침

The Fabled Woods 리뷰 및 평가

Review by Adventure Gamers
27. července 2021

The Fabled Woods delivers an intriguing trio of interconnected tales with a nice coat of production polish, but the game’s brevity and lack of interaction result in a power hike through the heart of the wilderness instead of a more compelling, slow-paced stroll.

Review by GameCritics
11. června 2021

It’s a challenge to give The Fabled Woods an appropriate score. The game has merits as a focused project that is not afraid to deliver something exactly as long as it needs to be, and the current state of bloat in the game industry makes me hugely appreciative of this fact. On the other hand, I can’t say that The Fabled Woods made a lasting impact on me, or even provoked much thought — it’s a decent experience, but little more.

Review by Noisy Pixel
1. dubna 2021

What works about successful walking simulators is the vigor and vitality put into both the narrative and the surrounding world. You want to feel engrossed and experience something unique and attention-grabbing. The Fabled Woods had the environments and graphics on point, but everything else, from plot to dialogue to gameplay mechanics, felt lackluster in comparison.

Review by GamingTrend
1. dubna 2021

The Fabled Woods collects all the necessary ingredients for a solid, meditative casual adventure, but its awkward execution leaves its narrative beats without any real weight.

Review by WellPlayed
28. března 2021

The main issue with short games is that they need to be a tight experience; try and cram too much in and they often feel rushed. Unfortunately, this is The Fabled Woods undoing, with the game trying to tell a poignant story with multiple links inside a movie-length runtime. There’s a good story here, it just needs a little longer to have more of an impact.

게임 정보
출시일 25. března 2021
제작사 CyberPunch Studios, Headup Games
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어
플레이어 관점 일인칭
장르 모험, 인디
테마 공포, 액션, 미스터리
플랫폼 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac