
Sniper Elite 4 combina a balística de definição de gênero, furtividade emergente sem fôlego e ação de terceira pessoa envolvente nos maiores e mais diversos ambientes já vistos em um jogo Sniper Elite.

Após o seu predecessor galardoado, Sniper Elite 4 continua o património da série da Segunda Guerra Mundial, transportando os jogadores através da bela península italiana, de cidades costeiras mediterrânicas banhadas pelo sol, a mega estruturas nazis colossais, florestas assustadoras e mosteiros montanhosos de montanha arrebatadores inspirados no Monte Cassino.

O agente secreto e atirador de elite Karl Fairburne deve lutar ao lado dos bravos homens e mulheres da Resistência Italiana para ajudar a libertar o seu país do jugo do fascismo, e derrotar uma nova e aterradora ameaça com o potencial de deter o combatente Aliado na Europa antes mesmo de começar.

Se a sua missão falhar, não haverá nenhuma Operação Overlord, nenhum desembarque do Dia D e nenhuma Vitória na Europa.

Sniper Elite 4 활성화 지침

Sniper Elite 4 리뷰 및 평가

Review by janwe04 [user]
June 29, 2022

My first Sniper Elite Game and i liked it really. Played it in coop, wich works completly fine! I kinda the point where you can get reallyMy first Sniper Elite Game and i liked it really. Played it in coop, wich works completly fine! I kinda the point where you can get really addicted and grind for something. But, its still a great game!

Review by Kuzya_Zeleniy [user]
April 21, 2022

The game left me in doubt. The game is not a failure, but not a breakthrough. I liked the shooting itself, the plot itself is boring. But theThe game left me in doubt. The game is not a failure, but not a breakthrough. I liked the shooting itself, the plot itself is boring. But the main disadvantage is that the game intelligence is very weak. I also remember my mission to kill chief among the Nazis on the island, but he just didn't show up. I went around the island several times, but did not find it.The game is average, but if you're a sniper fan, you're unlikely to be disappointed. But if you're not familiar with this, you may not like the game.

Review by ZzTopNemesis [user]
March 1, 2022

Score: 7.6Good game, acceptable story not too complex, but i think it wasn't the focus of the creators.The gameplay loop now... That isScore: 7.6Good game, acceptable story not too complex, but i think it wasn't the focus of the creators.The gameplay loop now... That is fun, it's an amazing stealth game, i did everything i could on it.Definitely recomend(Killing Hitler is always fun!)

Review by MrHellsing23 [user]
January 15, 2022

Where is the innovation? Are you going to live on only one X-ray?! Why are there so few opportunities to kill with environments? (except forWhere is the innovation? Are you going to live on only one X-ray?! Why are there so few opportunities to kill with environments? (except for the quest with Hitler)

Review by Ripper36 [user]
December 21, 2021

I have to say i am really digging this game. Looks great on the Switch and plays smooth. Its a step up from V2 in everyway. The story isI have to say i am really digging this game. Looks great on the Switch and plays smooth. Its a step up from V2 in everyway. The story is good. I like the mix of a different view of WW2 and not always being in europe like everyother game. Controls are nice too. Great port, pick it up.

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게임 정보
출시일 February 13, 2017
제작사 Rebellion Developments
콘텐츠 평가 M (Mature)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어, 멀티플레이어, 협동조합
플레이어 관점 3인칭
장르 모험, 슈터, 전술
테마 액션, 오픈 월드, 역사, 전쟁, 스텔스
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, Mac, iOS