Sanity of Morris

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Sanity of Morris - psychologisch horroravontuur. Ontdek aanwijzingen maar blijf uit de buurt van het licht, anders word je gepakt. Probeer gezond te blijven in de zoektocht naar je vader, verteerd door samenzweringstheorieën over de overheid en buitenaardse wezens.

Sanity of Morris 활성화 지침

Sanity of Morris 리뷰 및 평가

Review by Adventure Gamers
22 juni 2021

Its stealth mechanics are basic and its hand-holding puzzle design doesn’t provide much of a challenge, but Sanity of Morris’s world, characters and story are certainly thrilling enough see this creepy X-Files-esque conspiracy through to the end.

Review by Gaming Age
5 mei 2021

Like I said, all of these things have obvious fixes, and you can easily imagine them all being tweaked just enough to make Sanity of Morris a tense, compelling game. In this form, though, all it does is frustrate and annoy you. Steer well clear of it, and maybe hope the developers can execute on their ideas a little better next time out.

Review by Gaming Age
5 mei 2021

Like I said, all of these things have obvious fixes, and you can easily imagine them all being tweaked just enough to make Sanity of Morris a tense, compelling game. In this form, though, all it does is frustrate and annoy you. Steer well clear of it, and maybe hope the developers can execute on their ideas a little better next time out.

Review by MondoXbox
2 mei 2021

Sanity of Morris proposes us an interesting concept focused on paranormal and X-Files-style mystery thriller; unfortunately, though, it also puts our patience to the test due to an unsatisfying implementation. Graphically poor and artistically not very apt, with a slow and cumbersome gameplay, you'll have to arm yourself with a lot of patience to get to the end of an already very short story.

Review by nestarum [user]
24 maart 2021

The game is not technically good, but its story will interest most people. I enjoyed playing. I like the story. But it's annoying that theThe game is not technically good, but its story will interest most people. I enjoyed playing. I like the story. But it's annoying that the controls are so slow, the character's reaction to the controls is slow. You have to try hard not to fall, especially when walking on thin roads and branches. When you fall, fortunately, you start a few seconds back. Sanity of Morris is not a bad game. With a few updates, they may also fix technical glitches, it could be a better game.

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게임 정보
출시일 23 maart 2021
제작사 Alterego Games, StickyLock Studios
콘텐츠 평가 M (Mature)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어
플레이어 관점 일인칭
장르 모험, 인디
테마 공상 과학 소설, 생존, 공포, 액션, 스텔스
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One