Journey of a Roach

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핵전쟁, 포스트 아포칼립스, 황량하고 생명 없는 황무지


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돌연변이 곤충들이 폭탄 대피소에 집을 짓고 세상을 탐험하기 시작했습니다.
이 포인트 앤 클릭 어드벤처에서 유쾌하고 기괴한 종말의 세계로 여러분을 초대하고 바퀴벌레 짐과 버드와 함께 지상으로 향하는 여정에 동참하세요.

바퀴벌레의 여행은 지상 세계를 보고 싶어 하는 두 바퀴벌레 친구의 이야기입니다.
위로 올라가는 길에 종말 이후의 지구에 서식하는 온갖 기괴하고 우스꽝스러운 곤충들을 만나게 됩니다. 분위기 있는 3D 포인트 앤 클릭 어드벤처 스타일로 바퀴벌레 짐을 조종하여 방공호를 통과하고 벽과 천장을 따라 쉽게 기어 다니게 됩니다. 이 혁신적이고 역동적인 게임 메커니즘은 완전히 새로운 퍼즐 디자인의 기회를 만들어냅니다. 아기자기하게 디자인된 말풍선은 색다른 대화 경험을 제공하며, 사운드트랙은 종말 이후의 분위기 있는 분위기를 전달합니다.주요 특징
독특한 환경에서의 포인트 앤 클릭 어드벤처
벽과 천장을 따라 크롤링하여 비밀 지하를 탐험하세요.
혁신적인 컨트롤로 역동적인 게임 메커니즘 구현
분위기있는 3D 만화 스타일의 세계
유머러스하고 비언어적 인 의사 소통 수단을 가진 매력적이고 기억에 남는 두 명의 주인공

Journey of a Roach 활성화 지침

Journey of a Roach 리뷰 및 평가

Review by kezzyhko [user]
2020년 8월 5일


Review by nickrgamer [user]
2014년 4월 26일

Journey of a Roach is a great game. It has a nice story and challenging puzzles(good luck with it). The arts is good, the characters, settings and background music are cute(actually the whole game is cute). But you need to be aware of the spinning screen when Jim is climbing walls or ceilings, it might make you dizzy.Journey of a Roach is just a short game so you can finish it with just a couple of hours.

Review by COGconnected
2013년 12월 18일

Journey of a Roach is ideal for someone who wants a change of pace in a puzzle game. It is for someone who does not want a complex story line and is looking for an affordable puzzle game for your PC.

Review by Duckstiff [user]
2013년 12월 4일

The game thrusts you into a difficult puzzle almost immediately and my first thought was "This feels like a version of Monkey Island". TheThe game thrusts you into a difficult puzzle almost immediately and my first thought was "This feels like a version of Monkey Island". The movement around the game is seemless and I played through using a 360 controller, it was generally hassle free although inventory management took a few attempts to get used to. The can climb up walls and along ceilings which leads to some movements that resemble Fez.After playing through however, I decided the game was not similar to Monkey Island at all with regards to the puzzles. Some of the choices were bizarre and made the game difficult not because of how hard the puzzles actually were but the placement and sheer ludicrousness. The game effectively consisted of 3 'large' puzzles. Each zone was unique and had a certain theme to it but all followed a main 'quest' or aim linked to the zone. The game difficultly was mostly gauged by the awkwardness of certain actions, combined with the fact that rarely did you get any sort of clue other than a speech bubble depicting a cruel picture of what the character you're interacting with wants.The length of the game is fairly short, I took around 3-4 hours of passive gameplay, i.e I was watching TV whilst playing this game every so often. I can't imagine the replay value of this game is very high, maybe at some point I will speed run this game but it doesn't have that charm Monkey Island ever had and thus I don't feel that I could return to play this game simply for the storyline. Then there is the price, I wouldn't say this game is worth the RRP at all, I caught this in a bundle by chance and after a while decided to actually play it.However, despite that overall difficulty/awkwardness I think the game deserves some credit. The game is technically flawless with regards to bugs and the developers should be applauded for that, not often does this happen now that they can just simply release broken and patch later.The game really should be around the £5 range though due to its length. I honestly think I could speed run this game in under 20 minutes and that isn't really a selling point.

Review by 1ManAndHisDroid [user]
2013년 11월 27일

Got this as part of a humble bundle pleasantly surprised...The key mechanic is the ability to walk 360 around rooms (on walls ceilings)Got this as part of a humble bundle pleasantly surprised...The key mechanic is the ability to walk 360 around rooms (on walls ceilings) but it's actually a cute little adventure game too!And the puzzles make sense (not too random) well worth checking out if on sale!

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게임 정보
출시일 2013년 11월 4일
제작사 Koboldgames, Daedalic Entertainment
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어
플레이어 관점 3인칭
장르 모험, 인디, 퍼즐
테마 코미디
플랫폼 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac