IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946

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세계적으로 유명한 Oleg Maddox의 IL-2 Sturmovik™ 비행 시뮬레이터 시리즈가 계속 확장되고


최신작인 IL-2 1946에는 36대의 새로운 비행기, 4개의 새로운 거대한 맵, 100개 이상의 새로운 지상 물체, 200개에 가까운 새로운 캠페인 미션이 추가되었습니다. 이 새로운 작품에는 이전 IL-2 시리즈 콘텐츠도 모두 포함되어 있습니다. 몇 년 전 한 대의 항공기로 시작했던 시뮬레이션이 이제는 무려 229대의 비행 가능 기체와 총 300대 이상의 기체를 갖춘 놀라운 선집으로 거듭났습니다! 플레이어는 내년에 출시될 시리즈의 미래를 미리 엿볼 수 있는 기회를 갖게 될 것입니다:

독점 보너스 영상을 통해 스톰 오브 워™ 배틀 오브 브리튼.


9개의 캠페인 중 3개의 캠페인은 2차 세계대전이 여전히 진행 중인 1946년 소련과 독일 간의 가상 전투에 초점을 맞춘 대체 역사로 떠나는 여


이제 VVS와 루프트바페 모두 첨단 제트 전투기와 로켓 전투기, 기타 혁신적인 기술을 이용할 수 있습니다. 이 모든 새로운 비행기는 Il-2의 다른 모든 비행기와 마찬가지로 놀라운 수준의 역사적 정확성과 디테일에 대한 세심한 주의를 기울여 모델링되었습니다.

IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 활성화 지침

IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 리뷰 및 평가

Review by gamerz4life [user]
2020년 9월 27일

Note: Game is a Flight Sim if you’re not into Flight Sims step away!IL-2 is more or a semi-sim between arcade and a real simulation; thisNote: Game is a Flight Sim if you’re not into Flight Sims step away!IL-2 is more or a semi-sim between arcade and a real simulation; this due to there being no clickable cockpit (like DCS of BMS) or advanced flight management or planning (which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you are). Though like all Sims it still suffers in the Boredom Simulator (flying around doing nothing, feeling like a commercial pilot unless that’s your cup of tea) to which all Sims suffer from not a real surprise; though this can be overcome by time compression and best of all TimeSkip which skips you to the next waypoint much like in Combat Flight Sim. So you can take off, set up your plane, then TimeSkip to the mission point no boredom involved. The A.I (friend and enemy) is competent in most situations and will follow orders when given, along with ground control.There is a lot of content in this Sim from single missions to Mission Builder, and Campaign; you can also record and replay your flights and the replay system is one of the best still in a flight sim!It’s originally from the early 2000's (first release), and it can show in its rather overly sensitive flight controls of some of its planes (especially on takeoffs and landings), much like other early flight Sims from the early 2000's (They can be tweaked somewhat in control settings). Though ‘Damage models’ and ‘3D Models’ in general of the planes, ships, and ground forces are really Impressive; especially the planes and their cockpits (with fully functional gauges). Visuals are still pretty decent today (really good for its time; compare it to Microsoft Combat Flight Sim of the same time.P.S. I would only recommend for those who are flight sim aficionados, and love flying in WWII. A Flight Stick is also recommend but not necessary; because of the touchy controls. Really if you want a cheap and samey experience along with updated graphics and flight controls/flight models get the 2008 IL2: Birds of Prey for the 360, or Wings of Prey for the PC (it’s a little more on the arcade side but feels like IL-2).Pro: It’s a Flight Sim. Mission Builder so always new content, Tons of rendered Cockpits (Fighters and Bombers). Great looking models being eighteen years old!Con: Its ‘Flight Models’ and’ Flight Controls’ leave something to be desired on some planes.

Review by gamerz4life [user]
2020년 9월 27일

Note: Game is a Flight Sim if you’re not into Flight Sims step away!IL-2 is more or a semi-sim between arcade and a real simulation; thisNote: Game is a Flight Sim if you’re not into Flight Sims step away!IL-2 is more or a semi-sim between arcade and a real simulation; this due to there being no clickable cockpit (like DCS of BMS) or advanced flight management or planning (which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you are). Though like all Sims it still suffers in the Boredom Simulator (flying around doing nothing, feeling like a commercial pilot unless that’s your cup of tea) to which all Sims suffer from not a real surprise; though this can be overcome by time compression and best of all TimeSkip which skips you to the next waypoint much like in Combat Flight Sim. So you can take off, set up your plane, then TimeSkip to the mission point no boredom involved. The A.I (friend and enemy) is competent in most situations and will follow orders when given, along with ground control.There is a lot of content in this Sim from single missions to Mission Builder, and Campaign; you can also record and replay your flights and the replay system is one of the best still in a flight sim!It’s originally from the early 2000's (first release), and it can show in its rather overly sensitive flight controls of some of its planes (especially on takeoffs and landings), much like other early flight Sims from the early 2000's (They can be tweaked somewhat in control settings). Though ‘Damage models’ and ‘3D Models’ in general of the planes, ships, and ground forces are really Impressive; especially the planes and their cockpits (with fully functional gauges). Visuals are still pretty decent today (really good for its time; compare it to Microsoft Combat Flight Sim of the same time.P.S. I would only recommend for those who are flight sim aficionados, and love flying in WWII. A Flight Stick is also recommend but not necessary; because of the touchy controls. Really if you want a cheap and samey experience along with updated graphics and flight controls/flight models get the 2008 IL2: Birds of Prey for the 360, or Wings of Prey for the PC (it’s a little more on the arcade side but feels like IL-2).Pro: It’s a Flight Sim. Mission Builder so always new content, Tons of rendered Cockpits (Fighters and Bombers). Great looking models being eighteen years old!Con: Its ‘Flight Models’ and’ Flight Controls’ leave something to be desired on some planes.

Review by Broyax [user]
2020년 7월 23일

Oh dis donc le jeu de coucous foireux ! qu'il est relou sa mère, ce gros bâtard ! déjà, rien que pour décoller, il roule en crabe et il voleOh dis donc le jeu de coucous foireux ! qu'il est relou sa mère, ce gros bâtard ! déjà, rien que pour décoller, il roule en crabe et il vole de travers... oui, rien que pour décoller, il faut être un astronaute de la Nasa ou s'appeler Gagarine... il paraît que le jeu gère la manette et dans les réglages, il semble avoir compris mais en fait que dalle, il s'en fout de ta manette ! ou alors faut tout reparamétrer chaque putain de touche de A à Z... laisse tomber.On clique quoi qu'il en soit sur l'entraînement pour s'entraîner... et on a droit qu'à des "vidéos" faites avec le moteur du jeu, des "leçons" pas interactives pour un kopeck... comment tu veux apprendre si tu peux pas essayer "en vrai" ? Alors, on va dans les options et on décoche toutes les conneries réalistes, on lance une mission du côté du Reich avec un BF110... déjà que l'espèce de "briefing" est super mal présenté (qui a torché ça ? le stagiaire ?) mais en vol, aucune indication de rien... faut aller où, mon couillon de jeu, hein ? dans ton cul ?...Graphiquement, c'est plutôt pas trop vilain (enfin pour l'époque je crois) mais uniquement en 4/3 et la musique du menu, on dirait de la FM des années 90, quelle horreur...! le jeu a l'air de toute façon bien buggué (souris qui disparaît dans les menus, jeu entièrement muet une fois sur deux, joystick non reconnu) et n'est pas d'une fluidité exemplaire : encore un machin programmé avec le fion !Bref, on arrête cette connerie de jeu à la con qui soûle et qui ne vaut pas un radis : envoyez-moi tout ça au goulag !

Review by Broyax [user]
2020년 7월 23일

Oh dis donc le jeu de coucous foireux ! qu'il est relou sa mère, ce gros bâtard ! déjà, rien que pour décoller, il roule en crabe et il voleOh dis donc le jeu de coucous foireux ! qu'il est relou sa mère, ce gros bâtard ! déjà, rien que pour décoller, il roule en crabe et il vole de travers... oui, rien que pour décoller, il faut être un astronaute de la Nasa ou s'appeler Gagarine... il paraît que le jeu gère la manette et dans les réglages, il semble avoir compris mais en fait que dalle, il s'en fout de ta manette ! ou alors faut tout reparamétrer chaque putain de touche de A à Z... laisse tomber.On clique quoi qu'il en soit sur l'entraînement pour s'entraîner... et on a droit qu'à des "vidéos" faites avec le moteur du jeu, des "leçons" pas interactives pour un kopeck... comment tu veux apprendre si tu peux pas essayer "en vrai" ? Alors, on va dans les options et on décoche toutes les conneries réalistes, on lance une mission du côté du Reich avec un BF110... déjà que l'espèce de "briefing" est super mal présenté (qui a torché ça ? le stagiaire ?) mais en vol, aucune indication de rien... faut aller où, mon couillon de jeu, hein ? dans ton cul ?...Graphiquement, c'est plutôt pas trop vilain (enfin pour l'époque je crois) mais uniquement en 4/3 et la musique du menu, on dirait de la FM des années 90, quelle horreur...! le jeu a l'air de toute façon bien buggué (souris qui disparaît dans les menus, jeu entièrement muet une fois sur deux, joystick non reconnu) et n'est pas d'une fluidité exemplaire : encore un machin programmé avec le fion !Bref, on arrête cette connerie de jeu à la con qui soûle et qui ne vaut pas un radis : envoyez-moi tout ça au goulag !

Review by Aodecim [user]
2011년 7월 31일

Extremely realistic and addicting, provides the best immersion experience in "hardcore" servers in multiplayer. Large learning curve forExtremely realistic and addicting, provides the best immersion experience in "hardcore" servers in multiplayer. Large learning curve for players who have never played flight-sims but nevertheless, was endlessly fun.

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게임 정보
출시일 2006년 12월 7일
제작사 1C: Maddox Games, 1C-777
Total Rating 92%
콘텐츠 평가 T (Teen)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어, 멀티플레이어, 협동조합
플레이어 관점 3인칭, 일인칭, 측면 보기
장르 슈터, 시뮬레이터, 전술
테마 액션, 역사
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows)