
Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously—and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. Fail, and death will strip you of both character and gear. Your experience, however, remains in your pool of hunters—called your Bloodline—always.

Hunt’s competitive, match-based gameplay mixes PvP and PvE elements to create a uniquely tense experience where your life, your character, and your gear are always on the line. At the beginning of each match, up to five teams of two set out to track their monstrous targets. Once they’ve found and defeated one of these they will receive a bounty—and instantly become a target for every other Hunter left on the map. If you don’t watch your back, you’ll find a knife in it, and your last memory will be of another team of Hunters walking away with your prize. The higher the risk, the higher the reward–but a single mistake could cost you everything.

PROGRESSION: Even in death, you will be able to progress among the ranks of Hunters via your Bloodline. Though one character may die, their experience will be transferred to your Bloodline, where it can be applied your other Hunters. If you make it off of the map alive, you will be able to use the money and experience you earn to kit out new Hunters and prepare for the next match. If you die, you lose everything but your experience.

DARK SIGHT: Dark Sight allows Hunters to see into the veil between worlds, making that which cannot be seen by mortal eyes visible to those who have been initiated. Use Dark Sight when you are tracking monsters, and a ghostly light will guide you toward your next target. Dark Sight also marks players carrying a bounty, making them more vulnerable to ambush while trying to escape.

Hunt: Showdown 활성화 지침

Hunt: Showdown 리뷰 및 평가

Review by ganjabanshee [user]
June 11, 2022

Best atmosphere ever, where every sound...counts ;)Play it (give it a bit of time in the beginning) and you won't regret it 100%Ooops,Best atmosphere ever, where every sound...counts ;)Play it (give it a bit of time in the beginning) and you won't regret it 100%Ooops, sorry, my match has begun, enjoy !

Review by KuroiShinigami9 [user]
September 11, 2021

It's something different to play with friends, not the best made game but makes up for it with it's different perspective and just pure fun.It's something different to play with friends, not the best made game but makes up for it with it's different perspective and just pure fun. My main reason was to play something with friends and ps4 is very limited in that regard it's a good alternative for all the other shooter that are basically new skin every year like COD and BF. So if you looking for different kind of game to play with friends then this might be a game for you, although not the easiest to get the hang of and PC is filled with diehard so recommend ps4 version.

Review by Sadbee [user]
May 14, 2021

Okay, so I just got started. The sound and general atmosphere in this game is mindblowing. I love every second of this crazy scary game. IOkay, so I just got started. The sound and general atmosphere in this game is mindblowing. I love every second of this crazy scary game. I drop the score to nine because it's running in sluggish 30fps, even on ps4 pro. I would love to see a 'performance' setting in the future.Played even more, currently lvl 44 bloodline. The more of the game you uncover, the more fun it gets. I got used to the slow gameplay. The fights are even more crispier because of that. The satisfaction of landing a headshot is unfathomable. It is not yet another survival horror game, it's a unique masterpiece.Please try it yourself. Amazing game.Edit: I played hundreds of hours of this and loved most of it. Lots of fine memories now.

Review by Ellie754 [user]
February 28, 2021

Gameplay and mechanics are from century before and anybody cannot play without be bored. There is no hit feelings and horror too.

Review by PeakZach [user]
July 12, 2020

Must be played with friends. Matchmaking is a disaster and you'll most likely be dropped from some pro trying to match with someone a descentMust be played with friends. Matchmaking is a disaster and you'll most likely be dropped from some pro trying to match with someone a descent level. The gameplay is beautiful but tends to be a bit repetitive. There could easily be more monsters added to this long-running game.

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게임 정보
출시일 August 27, 2019
제작사 Crytek Frankfurt, Crytek
콘텐츠 평가 M (Mature)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어, 멀티플레이어, 협동조합
플레이어 관점 일인칭
장르 슈터, 시뮬레이터
테마 생존, 공포, 액션
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One