Gun Monkeys

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Gun Monkeys는 다수의 수상 경력을 자랑하는 인디 개발사 Size Five Games의 절차적 생성, 물리 기반 온라인 데스매치 플랫폼 게임입니다


건 몽키즈에서 플레이어는 현대의 전력 회사를 책임지게 됩니다. 먼 미래, 퍼페추얼 에너지에 대한 재앙적인 실험으로 인해 모든 인류의 생명체가 사라지고, 세상은 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 에너지로 가득하지만 이를 활용할 사람은 턱없이 부족합니다. CEO로서 여러분의 임무는 PC에서 편안하게 원숭이 군단을 보내 파워 큐브를 수집하고 현재로 되돌려 놓는 것입니다.

Gun Monkeys 활성화 지침

Gun Monkeys 리뷰 및 평가

Review by PictoPirate [user]
2017년 5월 17일

Gun Monkeys is a small but perfectly formed frantic multi-player blaster. Give it a couple of matches and you'll be wondering what all theGun Monkeys is a small but perfectly formed frantic multi-player blaster. Give it a couple of matches and you'll be wondering what all the fuss is about. Give it a few hours and you will be hooked. Also monkeys with guns; whats not to like?

Review by podiatricboot88 [user]
2013년 9월 29일

When i picked up this game during a weekend deal on steam for 3 dollars, little did i know what a treat i was in for. Gun Monkeys, isn't yourWhen i picked up this game during a weekend deal on steam for 3 dollars, little did i know what a treat i was in for. Gun Monkeys, isn't your usual combat arena" kill em' all! type of game. It's that, and much more. Although you, do initially try to kill your fellow opponents, there is also a keen sense of strategy involved. With each shot, bomb, or new life you take, energy from your supply starts running out, forcing you to have to be careful about your sots while gathering energy, while at the same time keeping your opponent from getting theirs. Don't run to buy this game expecting a typical, arena experience. If you're looking for a zany, strategic twist on the genre, or even curious about the game, i would highly recommend Gun Monkeys.

Review by games(TM)
2013년 8월 21일

If you can find a steady stream of people to play against, you'll discover Gun Monkeys to be tremendous, if rather basic, fun.

Review by bonzaibeagle [user]
2013년 7월 24일

Gun Monkeys was a very pleasant surprise for me as i wasn't sure if i would like it or not having watched several videos on it on youtube, andGun Monkeys was a very pleasant surprise for me as i wasn't sure if i would like it or not having watched several videos on it on youtube, and all of the videos said that the game was great and that the one problem with it is that it's online was very buggy, so i posted a discussion on steam asking about the game and for pretty much all of the responses were positive and saying that the online was fixed then i got a coupon and bought it, honestly, i wish i had spent full price on this game as it fully deserves it!And the gameplay? well, it's fast, intense and incredibly fun with different stages every time and the tide of the battle can turn very easily as different weapon drops and power ups appear randomly around the map and you also have an extremely powerful bomb at your disposal which is extremely satisfying to blow up your enemy with but is equally lethal to you!The goal is to try and defeat your opponent by collecting energy cubes and bringing them back to your base and you win if the other players energy cube counter ticks down to zero and to the victor go the spoils as you get rewarded with tons of money that you can spend on cool perks such as upgrades to weapons or getting faster, more health etc.Now for the problems I've had and well, they're few and far between, i have had one bug were my character vanished and the dev was incredibly helpful on that one but even then it only happened once the other 2 problems are no fault of the game, which are there are an awful lot of people idling in the lobby and a lot of people who think the goal is to try and blow each others brains out and are no fun to fight at all.My Verdict: 10/10+ fast, tense and overall very fun+ some pretty cool power up and weapon drops+ unique gameplay not done before (to my knowledge)+ never really gets repetitive with the randomly generated maps.+ cool perks to buy+ not to mention the devs are awesome and always willing to help- some bugs- at times the community is a bit frustrating

Review by Edge Magazine
2013년 7월 19일

Matches are brisk, varied and tense, but you might face a long wait to get one. An idle mode allows you to browse the internet or check emails until a challenge arrives, but alerts are sadly infrequent. Local play is a fine substitute if you have a willing partner, but Gun Monkeys is a two-player game too often lacking a player two.

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게임 정보
출시일 2013년 6월 28일
제작사 Size Five Games
게임 모드 멀티플레이어
플레이어 관점 측면 보기
장르 슈터, 인디, 아케이드, 플랫폼
테마 공상 과학 소설, 액션, 코미디
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac