부모 게임: Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons

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길드워 2: 엔드 오브 드래곤즈는 수상 경력에 빛나는 비평가들의 찬사를 받은 MMORPG 길드워 2의 세 번째 확장팩입니다


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Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons 활성화 지침

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons 리뷰 및 평가

Review by vickykoi [user]
2022년 5월 9일

I've been playing since release. Taken many breaks in-between. I'll be honest, this expansion is pretty mediocre. The contrast is very high inI've been playing since release. Taken many breaks in-between. I'll be honest, this expansion is pretty mediocre. The contrast is very high in the colors of the maps. I mean the maps are beautiful, but the colors are super bright. The story seemed great in theory with the Icebrood saga buildup. BUT then they brought back some enemies that were already resolved several years ago as the main antagonists of this expansion. "Ankka" was just thrown into the dialogue out of nowhere to be the main antagonist because "she's so empty inside and wants to kill the gods and all higher powers".The "selling" features of this expansion were some iffy elite specs, a boat, and fishing. And you could already use the stingray to ride over water. So honestly i feel like this was 6 months of free release maps labeled as an expansion. Not worth 30$, infact i might even ask for a refund and wait till it goes on sale.

Review by AleksanderSubur [user]
2022년 4월 9일

Guild wars 2 was always out of the classic medieval fantasy with it's story (steam copter, steam submarines, roboter, laser guns, holographs),Guild wars 2 was always out of the classic medieval fantasy with it's story (steam copter, steam submarines, roboter, laser guns, holographs), but in this expansion averything come together in green shining nightmare. The story is less predictable, but as unlogical as the stories of the other parts. But the most impertinent are the new, unfinished elite specializations (i.e. untamed). Searching for a new game, or i'm moving back to guild wars 1

Review by IGN Adria
2022년 3월 30일

End of Dragons is a high quality addition to the Guild Wars 2 corpus. However, unless you're a returning player, it probably won't inspire to hop on the Guild Wars 2 just now.

Review by GameSpace
2022년 3월 22일

A marvelous new frontier for Guild Wars 2. End of Dragons crashes into Cantha and expands Tyria with more than jsut a new sandbox. It delivers an astounding new adventure on a stupendous scale. It isn't perfect but if this is where he end comes then it's a fitting epitaph for Guild Wars 2.

Review by TerterBG [user]
2022년 3월 14일

10/10The expansion have great story.The fishing game is excellent.The skiffs are fun, especially with friends.The siege turtle is10/10The expansion have great story.The fishing game is excellent.The skiffs are fun, especially with friends.The siege turtle is awesome.The meta events feel like a combination of HoT and PoF metas merged together but with their good parts.The strike missions are fun and challenging, especially the last one.There is a lot of stuff to do in the expansion, lots of objectives to fulfill for you to experience everything the the ArenaNet studio has put into this expansion.The soundtrack is one of the best in video games I've heard in a while. It tops HoT and PoF soundtracks in my opinion.

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게임 정보
출시일 2022년 2월 28일
제작사 ArenaNet, NCsoft
콘텐츠 평가 T (Teen)
게임 모드 대규모 멀티플레이어 온라인(MMO)
플레이어 관점 3인칭
장르 롤플레잉(RPG), 모험
테마 판타지
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows)