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시속 140마일로 달리는 기분이 어떤지 궁금한 적이 있나요? FOTONICA는 속도감 넘치는 스릴과 복잡한 환경을 완벽하게 통과하는 1인칭 게임입니다. 간단하지만 쉽지 않은 아케이드 게임의 전통을 따르는 FOTONICA는 쉽게 익힐 수 있지만 마스터하기는 거의 불가능합니다. 8개의 서로 다른 트랙에 걸친 다층적인 레벨 디자인과 절차적 무한 모드가 놀라울 정도로 깊이 있는 게임을 만들어냅니다. 친구를 이길 수 있을 것 같나요? 화면 분할 대결을 시도해 보세요.

Fotonica 활성화 지침

Fotonica 리뷰 및 평가

Review by TantFuriosa [user]
2018년 1월 7일

Although I liked the feeling of speed in Fotonica it was so hard I couldn't get past level 2. That failure is on me I guess. Still even if IAlthough I liked the feeling of speed in Fotonica it was so hard I couldn't get past level 2. That failure is on me I guess. Still even if I could progress I can't picture me playing this for more than an hour or two. It got boring for me pretty quickly and I didn't feel that had to do with my inability to play.

Review by Eyoldaith [user]
2016년 10월 26일

It's an endless (or not, depending on what mode you play) runner, accompanied by great music and nice, stylized graphics. It looks a lot likeIt's an endless (or not, depending on what mode you play) runner, accompanied by great music and nice, stylized graphics. It looks a lot like the old vector-based games.It's a great way to kill some time if you're bored, and when you get into your groove you can keep on playing it for a pretty long time.

Review by smilzoboboz [user]
2015년 8월 25일

A good game that falls short only on longevity/re-playability.While both graphics and music are extremely fitting and well made once youA good game that falls short only on longevity/re-playability.While both graphics and music are extremely fitting and well made once you finish the game you have 2 choices to continue playing it: try to "beat" the game (100% complete) or enjoy 3 "simple" (as in not-complex) endless mode maps.So if you're the "achievement" guy who wants everything 100% complete you may have earned yourself a lot more playtime, otherwise you will get bored pretty soon playing the same "simple" endless maps.Procedurally generated levels with themes from the arcade one would have gotten this game 10/10.That said every bit of time I spent on this game was fun and, probably, even the time I'm going to spend on it when I want to relax a bit will be fun just as much.Totally recommended to anyone.

Review by SpazioGames
2014년 12월 17일

FOTONICA is a one-button endless runner that knows how to hypnotize the player with its wonderful trance music and well-implemented vectorial graphics.

Review by
2014년 11월 18일

Fotonica brings a minimal design with an original concept, with a level of depth that you wouldn't imagine for a single-button game. The PC version is now also enjoyable with up to other three players, thanks to the improvement to the local split-screen multiplayer.

게임 정보
출시일 2011년 7월 17일
제작사 Santa Ragione
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어, 멀티플레이어
플레이어 관점 일인칭
장르 인디, 아케이드, 플랫폼
테마 액션
플랫폼 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS, Ouya