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Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker 활성화 지침

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker 리뷰 및 평가

Review by Gamepressure
2022년 2월 9일

FFXIV is currently the best MMORPG available. The main reason is because it’s RPG first, MMO second. The story isn’t just an afterthought, but an integral part of the experience, and everything else revolves around the tale of the Warrior of Light. It’s logical, well-planned, and presented with great, voiced (or not) cut-scenes.

Review by SECTOR.sk
2022년 1월 24일

Final Fantasy XIV holds an incredibly high bar of quality, and Endwalker pushes it a bit higher - for many it will be the highlight of the series.

Review by Windows Central
2022년 1월 19일

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is a fantastic expansion that pays homage to the series' legacy and is a beautiful send-off to a ten-year-long story arc. The plot me had engaged throughout its entirety, the characters are memorable, and the new dungeons and Trials are satisfying to conquer. While some Job changes could be improved with future patches, many of them are welcome additions to the game.

Review by Noisy Pixel
2022년 1월 14일

Endwalker is not the end, but it is very definitely an end. In the game, it is the end of the tale of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, the Ascians, and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn who rose to challenge them. In our universe, it is the end of the second era of Final Fantasy XIV, a midnight that transitions into a bright and new day for the players and developers, in which anything could happen. But for now, the clock is still striking twelve, and I’m absolutely thrilled to see what will happen at 12:01.

Review by GameOver.gr
2022년 1월 14일

With the Endwalker expansion Final Fantasy XIV becomes an even more "Final Fantasy"game with its world building, super writing and great characters. At the same time it expands its foundation as an MMO thus becoming a superb game that probably has no equal at this moment in time.

<더 보기>
게임 정보
출시일 2021년 12월 7일
제작사 Square Enix, Square Enix Creative Business Unit III
Total Rating 91%
콘텐츠 평가 T (Teen)
게임 모드 멀티플레이어, 협동조합, 대규모 멀티플레이어 온라인(MMO)
플레이어 관점 3인칭
장르 롤플레잉(RPG), 모험
테마 오픈 월드, 판타지
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S