Dishonored 2

관련 콘텐츠

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

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디스아너드 2에서 초자연적인 암살자로 다시 태어나 신비주의와 산업이 충돌하는 세계에서 나만의 길을

개척해 보세요.

황후 에밀리 칼드윈이나 왕실 수호자 코르보 아타노 중 어느 쪽을 선택하시겠습니까? 보이지 않는 곳에서 숨어서 게임을 진행하거나, 잔인한 전투 시스템을 최대한 활용하거나, 아니면 두 가지를 혼합해서 사용하시겠습니까? 캐릭터의 고유한 능력, 무기, 도구를 어떻게 조합하여 적을 제거하시겠습니까?

스토리는 여러분의 선택에 따라 반응하며, 게임의 각 수제 미션을 플레이하면서 흥미로운 결과를 이끌어냅니다.


디스아너드 2는 섭정이 정복되고 무시무시한 쥐 전염병이 역사 속으로 사라진 15년 후를 배경으로


이계의 침략자가 황후 에밀리 칼드윈의 왕좌를 빼앗아 아일스의 운명이 위태로운 상황에 놓여 있습니다. 에밀리 칼드윈 또는 코르보 아타노가 되어 전설적인 던월의 거리를 지나 한때 눈부시던 해안 도시 카르나카로 이동하여 에밀리의 권력을 되찾을 열쇠를 손에 넣으세요. 아웃사이더의 표식과 강력한 새 초자연 능력으로 무장한 채 적을 사냥하고 제국의 운명을 영원히 바꾸세요.

Dishonored 2 활성화 지침

Dishonored 2 리뷰 및 평가

Review by Fskeh90 [user]
2022년 6월 18일

The addition on an entirely new playable character with unique abilities adds a whole depth of replayability. The powers are interesting andThe addition on an entirely new playable character with unique abilities adds a whole depth of replayability. The powers are interesting and diverse, and better balanced and allow for more engaging non-lethal gameplay with Mesmerize and Domino. The additional enemy types test your full repertoire and have unique combat patterns and ways to approach handling them.

Review by dan-man [user]
2022년 5월 1일

Brilliant game, and improves on the first one in every way. The art direction, production, music, atmosphere and level design are astounding.Brilliant game, and improves on the first one in every way. The art direction, production, music, atmosphere and level design are astounding. The only issues are it is a little too woke for my tastes, limited abilities and combat mechanics, some achievements not unlocking properly, quests and abilities not functioning as described and an occasional crash.

Review by Fallconex [user]
2021년 8월 1일

Mixed emotions about this game.On the one hand, it is cool that it has such replayability with multiple choices and endings, but on theMixed emotions about this game.On the one hand, it is cool that it has such replayability with multiple choices and endings, but on the other hand, the plot came up to be a boring mess. Even the ending is pretty stuffy.Nevertheless, the best thing about this game is level design. No other game can give you an opportunity to play different styles with so many interesting enemies. Too bad that all those levels seemed small to me. All other aspects are just average or above...7/10, worth playing but only after the previous game, which is a better masterpiece!

Review by LamanRe [user]
2021년 2월 8일

If I wanted a puzzle game,I would play Tetris.Hilariously expensive store items, hilariously placed runes, hilariously balanced enemy NPCs.TheIf I wanted a puzzle game,I would play Tetris.Hilariously expensive store items, hilariously placed runes, hilariously balanced enemy NPCs.The game is deliberately designed to puzzle and confuse gamers,force them to be stealthy just so the game's hilariously small and linear story feels bigger. And TF with those hilariously expensive rewire tools?Why can't I just find and cut the necessary thick,red wires? Hilariously funny.I am glad I didn't buy this game.Its not even worth to play free.Just hilariou.And oh,did I mention that you have to search 3 rooms to get only 3 bullets,you need to upgrade slots with hilarious expense just so you can carry more items?HILARIOUS.

Review by mainstreamkid [user]
2019년 5월 23일

There are basically two ways you can play this game and I'm pretty sure you're gonna have fun with either, especially if you enjoyed the firstThere are basically two ways you can play this game and I'm pretty sure you're gonna have fun with either, especially if you enjoyed the first one. The plot is kind of simple, and it works, but this game's looks are pretty amazing.Dishonored 2, much like the first one, is a steampunk blessing.

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게임 정보
출시일 2016년 11월 11일
제작사 Arkane Studios, Bethesda Softworks
Total Rating 86%
콘텐츠 평가 M (Mature)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어
플레이어 관점 일인칭
장르 롤플레잉(RPG), 모험, 슈터
테마 액션, 스텔스
플랫폼 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One