부모 게임: Beholder
Beholder: Blissful Sleep

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Beholder: Blissful Sleep 활성화 지침

Beholder: Blissful Sleep 리뷰 및 평가

Review by GameCritics
2017년 7월 7일

Blissful Sleep is inexpensive, and Beholder’s core mechanics are solid enough that I enjoyed having an excuse to return to the game. But despite how rich the concept is, this DLC does frustratingly little to expand on the groundwork. It’s just… more of the same.

Review by GamingTrend
2017년 6월 7일

Beholder: Blissful Sleep is an interesting prequel wrapped up in the package of DLC. Other than having more dialogue and changing one mechanic, it’s essentially the same gameplay as the original. That doesn’t bother me in the slightest, though, because I love the narrative style with its subtle humor and overarching feelings of hopelessness under an oppressive government.

게임 정보
출시일 2017년 5월 18일
제작사 Alawar Entertainment, Warm Lamp Games
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어
플레이어 관점 측면 보기
장르 롤플레잉(RPG), 모험, 인디, 시뮬레이터, 전략
테마 드라마, 스텔스
플랫폼 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac