
Arma 3는 진정한 대규모 밀리터리 시뮬레이션 샌드박스 게임입니다


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또한 싱글 및 멀티플레이어 모두에서 플레이어가 자신만의 시나리오, 캠페인, 맵 모드를 만들 수 있는 매우 강력한 에디터가 기본으로 제공됩니다.


아르마 3가 여러분을 전쟁터로 보냅니다


Arma 3 활성화 지침

Arma 3 리뷰 및 평가

Review by TenienteDan [user]
2018년 3월 19일

Best "tactical shooter" and "milsim game", even now in 2018. Lots of game modes, communities, clans, and a huge modding community.

Review by Dokdo [user]
2017년 12월 23일

Awfully broken game. Don't trust the critics. Game critics obviously have a sponsorship with them. They are too scared to say anything real.Awfully broken game. Don't trust the critics. Game critics obviously have a sponsorship with them. They are too scared to say anything real. Don't buy this piece of **** game

Review by defekticon [user]
2013년 12월 15일

This game is outstanding! It's been an early access game prior to launch so I think some of the COD and BF Nutswingers might have down votedThis game is outstanding! It's been an early access game prior to launch so I think some of the COD and BF Nutswingers might have down voted the game because it's not a twitch shooter. It's a Mil Sim not an arcade game, and should be judged like one.

Review by Everyeye.it
2013년 11월 22일

Arma 3 seems to have a lot to offer in terms of multiplayer, but still not so much for the player looking to the single player experience.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
2013년 10월 24일

Modernized, polished and friendlier, selling its strong points while remaining basically the same. The lack of a radical difference is not really a problem.

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게임 정보
출시일 2013년 9월 12일
제작사 Bohemia Interactive Studio
콘텐츠 평가 M (Mature)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어, 멀티플레이어, 협동조합
플레이어 관점 3인칭, 일인칭, 조감도 / 아이소메트릭
장르 슈터, 시뮬레이터, 전술, 전략
테마 액션, 오픈 월드, 전쟁, 샌드박스
플랫폼 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac