Always Sometimes Monsters

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Always Sometimes Monsters 활성화 지침

Always Sometimes Monsters 리뷰 및 평가

Review by SuperkenGaming [user]
2017년 10월 13일

Always sometimes monstersNot always the heroAlways sometimes monsters is a bit of a life simulator where you play as a writer...the gameAlways sometimes monstersNot always the heroAlways sometimes monsters is a bit of a life simulator where you play as a writer...the game starts with you choosing a character and then choosing that characters boyfriend or girlfriend…And then it smacks you with lifeyou lose your job as writeryour partner leaves youyou’re evicted from your apartment and you getting a wedding invite to guess who’s wedding?And you spend the 9 and a half hours of this game trying to get to your exes weddingBeing broke and now homeless, doing this is no easy feat, so it’s up to you to get from city to city by helping out characters around the world, or you could straight up just buy a bus ticket..Either way it’s a day in and day out grind of hustling…You can get a job chopping up animals or tofu...Do odd jobs around the city for a few dollars or invest in sandwich stocks at the bacon shop... but there’s more fun to be had in solving the problems of the town and its inhabitantsThe game does a great job of making the day to day grind feel real, of finally thinking you almost have enough to pay rent and then realizing, right.. I have to eat… spending my days’ worth of work money on some food so I can fall asleep...And while sleeping you’ll occasionally have a dream about your ex... Indicating you may not quite be over them... and your intentions for arriving to this wedding might not be so pure... or maybe they are... it’s up to you... the game is full of choicefrom writing about your day before you go to sleep to making choices around the world to get on peoples good sides so that they’ll scratch you’re back later on… while at the same time making sure a choice you make for one person doesn’t affect another..The game isn’t in your face about choices mattering, but every once in a while I got smacked with the realization that if I made a different choice earlier... this solution to get to the next town probably wouldn’t have worked…this cycle of rise and grind continues through all 9 and a half hrs. just with different towns and different jobs.. Jobs that feel as tedious as they would in real life…So the game does a great job at immersing you into its world…however I feel the game overstays its welcome a bit... there’s a section in the middle where the game wants you to get involved in politics for a town I had no connection to and I didn’t care for…This town is when I really started to get bored with the grind of getting through the day to day with this game and just saved up for a bus tickets as fast as I could ignored its problems and left to the next town…A town a little more interesting but still… I was over the gameplay and grind so I rushed through getting out of this section as well, trying to get to this wedding as fast as I could…Performance wise, I did run into a crash every couple of hrs, and the game would freeze up for a few seconds every now and then, but nothing too annoying to deal withDespite overstaying its welcome, Always sometimes monsters does a great job at feeling alive..The world feels lived in, immerses you and makes you think about yourself in ways that few video games do…It’s worth picking up and playing through, but I don’t believe its best played in one sitting or even 2 like I tried to doI give Always sometimes monstersa 7/10

Review by Muramas [user]
2015년 10월 25일

The story is interesting, it's the only thing that will keep you invested. The moral choice system is lame and could use some work. TheThe story is interesting, it's the only thing that will keep you invested. The moral choice system is lame and could use some work. The gameplay is incredibly boooring and anyone who really needs good gameplay will probably get bored of this game real quick.

Review by CD-Action
2014년 8월 25일

A great example of an eyesore spit out by indie devs convinced that only the story matters. The worst part is that they had no idea how to write the story to avoid it being a cliché running with the pack of sad, moving indie games.

Review by SpazioGames
2014년 7월 18일

It is not an happy game, it will not make you feel better, and probably it will not entertain you. So, why do you have to play Always Sometimes Monsters? Because, in a nutshell, it has one of the best narrative we've seen these days.

Review by COGconnected
2014년 6월 2일

Even though this game did a good job at focusing on choices, relationships, and the outcomes of the decisions you make, the simple controls and monotonous tasks really ruined it for me in the end. Overall this game will find an audience, but to tell you the truth it’s going to be a hit and miss affair if you will be the one that the game is meant for.

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게임 정보
출시일 2014년 5월 21일
제작사 Devolver Digital, Vagabond Dog
콘텐츠 평가 M (Mature)
게임 모드 싱글 플레이어
플레이어 관점 3인칭, 조감도 / 아이소메트릭
장르 롤플레잉(RPG), 모험, 인디, 시뮬레이터
테마 드라마
플랫폼 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch